The categories for entries to the Club’s annual photographic competition in 2024/25 are the following:
- The Club in action
- Mountain weather
- Portrait of a mountain, hill or crag
- Adventure in wild places
Photographs taken between January 2024 and January 2025 are eligible for entry into any of the categories in accordance with the photo competition rules. Judging will take place during February 2025, with feedback for all entrants and prizes for winners
Below, you can find a short explanation of each of the categories. The original article introducing the new categories contains ideas to guide you.
The Club in action
‘The Club in action’ aims to capture the energy, excitement, and community spirit that defines the Club experience. Whether you focus on action shots, group shots, or candid shots, you should strive to create images that capture the essence of the Club and its unique outdoor adventures.
Note: Photos that were not taken on official/programmed Club events are allowed in this category provided they involve several Club members mountaineering, scrambling, climbing or walking together.
Mountain weather
The mountain weather category aims to capture the drama, beauty, and challenges of weather conditions in mountainous terrain. Look for opportunities to play with lighting, contrast, and composition to create striking, memorable images that capture the essence of weather in the mountains.
Portrait of a mountain, hill or crag
Portray the unique character and beauty of the natural mountain, hill or crag features we all encounter through our mountain and climbing activities. Whether you focus on the details, the shape and form, the changing moods and atmosphere, or the human scale, strive to create images that convey the awe-inspiring majesty of these features in all their glory.
Adventure in wild places
Capture wild places that we wouldn’t or couldn’t visit as a matter of routine (and perhaps visits at unusual times for a different sense of adventure), whether because of distance or accessibility to places that are off the beaten track. Images should lift us above the ordinary and can include landscapes, action shots, close-up details, or people.
Note on flora/fauna submissions
Note that photographs of flora, fauna, insects, fungi, etc. can be submitted in any category provided the the photograph as a whole meets the main criteria of the category as outlined above. For example, a photograph of Red deer could be submitted into the portrait of a mountain category provided that the animals present help to portray the unique character of the place.
Whether you’re out climbing, walking, hiking, trekking or camping, with Club friends, or on your own, keep these photo competition categories in mind and look for opportunities to take great photos. Good luck!
* Note that images generated or modified using AI tools will not be accepted as entries.