
  • Personal gear for mountain walking

    personal gear for mountain walking

    Good, sound clothing and equipment is essential for mountain safety and contributes greatly to an enjoyable day on hills and mountains. Its important to have the right personal gear forContinue reading “Personal gear for mountain walking”

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  • Boulders in the forest

    Fontainebleau, France, Easter 2024. A fantastic Easter break was enjoyed by a group of Club members among the boulders in the forest surrounding Fontainebleau. An amazing week of great bouldering,Continue reading “Boulders in the forest”

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  • After Island Peak, Labouche East

    Dave Bingham successfully summited Island Peak and Labouche East in Nepal. A technical peak of 6119m, Labouche East requires a six-hour ascent with difficult slabs and fixed ropes. Dave, an experienced mountaineer, describes it as one of his toughest climbs.

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  • A wandering Mynydd Maen

    Trefor Beese, a resident of Pontnewydd and an established mountaineer, successfully campaigned for the restoration of the original name “Mynydd Maen” to the main summit of the mountain in South Wales, correcting decades of misplacement on Ordnance Survey maps.

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